Tuesday 21 June 2011

Ymerodraeth State Of Mind

I’d like to suggest this is a picture of me hung in the National Portrait Gallery doing Carmen at Glynbourne.

In fact it’s me doing an amusing pastiche (one verse only – the other singers are more familiar with the words – fair enough) in my back garden for a piss take of a pop song (with a similar name but not with the Ymerodraeth word in it) – but hey, if that’s the only way to get on Comic Relief then I’m in. Listen - if you get the call from them –it leads to all kinds of spin offs -Super Injunctions, a strand on The One Show trying not to do thigh touching with Giles Brandreth - or signed up for Panto which I’ve already done thank you – twice. And no I’m not bitter –cos I’ll be at the RSC this Xmas (me being nasty and no I’m not sorry).

Notice I’m the only one talking about the Welsh Comic Relief thing now – because I’m getting rather big in Wales.

I say this because I’m revving up for a top secret REALITY SHOW in July where I have to put on a WET SUIT - not all the time – I also have to remember to take my spanx, my glasses, my asthma spray but no valuables … I must also mix nicely with other WELSH CELEBRITIES and not get competitive at all….. I know it’s not the jungle – but I like to be more trail blazing than eating testes and other irritants. Bitter? Not me dears.