Monday 27 June 2011

Drinks for High Jinks

Here are some highlights of the wine article this month - it IS a stretch sampling alcohol by the computer (as I still call it) - but it's also festive and keeps me in stamps for the month. When I don’t have a wine column deadline, my desk is littered with carrots, coke and kelp - a new pash which may increase my metabolism to make me ten stone (I'm really fat now so reaching just a bit fat would be a plus).  I am prepping for 'one night at Edinburgh Festival' and already fearing that thing where people look at me and will know I bought a Monsoon over shift shirt at the airport.  I just tried on a pair of jeans after three years of elasticated skirts in lace - £250 plus - I asked the girl to repeat the price. She did. I left.

"I’m not showing off or anything, but I’ve had an intense month! What’s more, I’m prepared to share some of the highs, namely the most stunning way to drink Tanqueray No. Ten… with a cute little elderflower liqueur. The cocktail I’m referencing is The 51, served at the rather super 51 Buckingham Gate, SW1E." Read full article...
From Living South