Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Absolutely Fabulous is back!

Christmas Day at 22.00 on BBC1 there's the first of the new episodes of Absolutely Fabulous to celebrate its 20th anniversary. The second episode is at 21.40 on New Year's Day. Absolutely worth watching! I know coz I was there...

And here's my inner Welsh side waiting to be unleashed....

Merry Christmas!

Join me for a virtual Welsh Christmas blow-out with my Welsh besties.  I loves them. I expect you might too.

Must watch Cariad@iaith Christmas Special on Christmas Eve and on Boxing Day

The only thing is you have to watch it on Sky 134  or  Freesat 120. I'm sure you'll rally.

Wishing you and me a prosperous and pithy  New Year!


Helen x