Have not engaged in too much chitty chat on Splash – apart from mentioning to the very wise and adroit Richard Bacon on his show on BBC Radio 5 live... www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p013h9xb
…that all new reality TV formats are inevitably derided until they become part of the school curriculum - ‘Celebrity Naked Potholing’ is likely to get as much flack as diving when it airs. If it does.
I also wrote this which was more swim wear based than diving tips http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2258768/Splash--Celebrity-diving-branded-new-low-TV--contestant-HELEN-LEDERER-regrets.html
However the sudden and involuntary exposure of my thighs has lead to a few invitations...
Big Brother’s Bit on the Side has beckoned this Sunday: I am looking forward to being the oldest person on the wacky green sofa who is not wearing a swimming costume.
Tuesday, I will be commenting on that mother ship of all radio progs, Woman’s Hour – always a joy and privilege . The subject is ‘Comfort Eating’ - am mystified why they came to me - could be the pic of moi mid-air in the swimming costume in the Mail that piqued interest?
Then Wednesday, it seems Alan Titchmarsh’s people (Alan Titchmarsh Show, ITV) have asked me to comment on the NTA. (National Television Awards – I checked.) I will do my best. I tend not to go to awards events due to the amount of white rolls one can get through with one's melon balls (I can see why Woman’s Hour might want me on now.) And not being up for anything
And then, as if that isn't enough excitement, I'm debuting on the Simon Lederman Late Show, BBC London 94.9 that evening – at around 11pm. Apparently I can be political or lite - or litely political – depends what I've eaten that day …