Monday 10 October 2011

Well I have opened – no – not my own body which hopefully remains closed – I have opened in the play – ‘The Killing of Sister George’ at the Arts Theatre

Opening in this play meant that a red carpet appeared from nowhere and for one night was placed in the foyer for people to step on as they entered (it was removed for leaving)

I might have one in my own hall for everyday – so lush is the feeling
Opening Night!

Interesting that visits to the lavatory go hand in hand with opening nights and also following nights - So best not have a carton of veggie soup from Prêt a Manger as a sensible comfort food idea – I have since learned. Veg soup and nerves do not a picnic make.

Brought matches to put in the shared dressing room Loo for digestive times like these – the matches were a birthday present – a big box which says ‘ keep calm’ . (Fat chance.) I also send my flat mate Belinda Lang out for such times. She is not only a brilliant actress – but most accommodating about my need for a private moment.

I will not read any reviews in case there is meanness about me as there often is
– I might direct their complaint to the director and say he made me do it in a funny accent - or I may not since I’d quiet like to work with him again. (He directed ‘Broken Glass’ which got 5 stars )

Bought an upholstered bra specially for doing the play – which inspired a back stage exchange between us actresses of a certain age revealing one of us who is now a double G… odd that the alphabet and bra size seem so incongruous… but the older you get the more you double your letters – pity we don't double our money -but hey – who said art was fiscally rewarding …?

So off to tonight’s performance - must line my stomach with greaseproof paper this time.
